Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Is your gut lining like a leaky bucket?

Warning: Incorporating broths and fermented foods into your daily diet can vastly improve your health. 

Broths heal the gut lining with amino acids and fats (the building blocks)  and adding fermented foods to warm broths boost the flavour and also the maintenance of beneficial bacteria in your gut known as your microbiome, improving digestion, immune health and even hormones. 

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Education Amanda King ND Education Amanda King ND

A Career in Nutritional Therapy 

Becoming a Nutritional Therapist. Nutrition is a popular area to study but with rates of diet related illnesses growing at a fast rate, nutrition specialists are needed more than ever and there is plenty of room for more.  So I put together some advice that might help you when it comes to making your choices.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Nitrites & Nitrates are NOT bad for you!

It’s pretty amazing to learn that 1 serving of rocket or 2 servings of butter lettuce or 4 servings of celery or beetroot each contain more nitrates than 467 servings of hot dogs (Swarc S, 2008) It’s even more amazing to learn that nitrates and nitrites are beneficial for our cardiovascular and immune systems.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Are you getting the wrong advice for your heart health? 

For years we have been told that for a healthy heart, we need to eat a low fat diet with lots of vegetables, whole grains, lean white meat inc. poultry and to avoid red meat and saturated fats at all costs. Saturated fats being butter, lard, beef dripping or tallow, red meat, processed meat, bacon and eggs due to their high cholesterol content.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Ultra Processed Foods - why they’re as bad as smoking?

At the end of February the BMJ (British Medical Journal) published a paper showing conclusively that ultra processed foods are directly linked cancer and a whole host of other problems including early death, mental illness, gastrointestinal problems and diabetes.

Here I want to show you exactly what ULTRA processed foods are and to dispel the myth that ‘a little of what you fancy does you good’ when it comes to industrially produced food.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Supplements - Health Boost or Expensive Pee?

Some of the questions I get asked include… Which supplements should I choose to boost my health? Can you give me a list of supplements that will help me be more healthy? Can you review my current supplements and tell me if it’s worth it or right for me?

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Can’t keep promises to yourself? (try this)

Remember that the habit first and foremost is import. Always show up and consider that a non-negotiable aspect of your lifestyle. Once it feels like a part of your regular lifestyle then increase your walking time to 15 minutes or increase your speed a little to walk further in the same time. Make those very small changes every couple of weeks and you will barely notice the individual changes but will make huge progress over the long term… you could easily be doing all the things you dream of with consistent effort… but you need to go slow.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

How to manage the biggest killer (stress).

Stress is broadly defined as acute or chronic. Acute stress is often in the moment, a response to a stressful trigger. It’s easy to think of things that cause us instant stress.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

80% of men will get this issue (how to manage prostate health)

September is Prostate Cancer awareness month!

I have written this blog to raise awareness of some dysfunctions that occur with the prostate and some things you can do naturally to improve symptoms. (Link in comments)

Prostate cancer is the number one diagnosed male malignancy and the 5th most common cancer in men.

There are excellent recovery rates with early diagnosis and natural medicine shows excellent results in recovery.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Collagen - is it the secret to great skin and hair?

Collagen is a kind of protein known as a fibril. Fibrils are structural meaning that they are used to create the framework of your cells and tissues. Collagen is the most common protein in humans and animals.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Cellulite? Try this technique

Cellulite is affected a little by genetics but mostly by diet and lifestyle and there are a number of things you can do to improve the appearance. It’s all to do with the flow of lymph…

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Herbs that help the Thyroid behave

While adaptogens do not eliminate stress per se, they work in a way to support the body to recover from stress. They adapt to supply the body with what it needs, whether that is detoxification, energy or helping our body to make some vitamins needed for stress management. As a result, we are better equipped to ward off pathogens, a relaxed and stress free state is the ideal state for a healthy immune system. Adaptogens are non-toxic herbs that prompt an adaptive stress response.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

The Nutri-Score System in France - can you trust it?

Why does cereal have a Nutri Score of A? Due to the vitamins included? The fact that cereals/grains are still counted as healthy (!) and no one talks about the sugar or the toxic vegetable oils included? Did you know that the vitamins in these cereals are synthetic, mostly the body cannot use them and some can cause harm to certain people? They also use up the vitamins you do have stored in your body, just to be processed… they are anti-nutrient. It’s a lose-lose for you in the end.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

IBS can be cured, here’s how..

I was told yesterday that IBS can't be 'cured', it can only go into remission. I disagree…

So let's break that down. If you eat a diet that is laden with flour, sugar and general junk, that spikes your blood sugar so much and over so long, that your pancreas becomes desensitised to insulin and you develop diabetes. Then we know two things.

1. That your body type develops diabetes when it eats that diet.

2. You cannot eat a diet like that and expect to remain diabetes free.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Za-atar - Why it’s the Best Spice on the Planet!

The best thing about preparing food freshly in your home, with whole plant ingredients is that you don’t enter into the whole processed food industry. There is no chance for any filler, additive, chemical or anything artificial to find its way into your body. You know exactly what you are eating and that gives you control over your health. When you choose quality food which brings joy and health you are valuing yourself and those you love at the deepest level because we are the food we eat. We are worth the investment of time and effort.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Most women have this hormonal problem

What is Oestrogen Dominance? What dietary and lifestyle choices cause our hormones to be out of balance? What foods and choices can we make to balance oestrogen and detoxify hormones properly. What lifestyle choices can we make to avoid PCOS, Adenomyosis and Endometriosis?

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Gut healthy tea (everything you need to know about Kombucha)

Kombucha tea has many health benefits for liver detoxification and it benefits digestion for sufferers of IBS, SIBO, gut dysbiosis and indigestion. Full of beneficial bacteria for your microbiome. Easy to follow recipe for fermentation of Kombucha tea. Made of fermented green tea, with the SCOBY. Naturopath Nutritionist and Nutritional Therapy

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

Why I eat lots of fat every day

Fat is good for you, sugar is the real enemy. Learn about the Big Cholesterol Con and what you can do to ditch toxic fats and get healthy again.

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