The Nutri-Score System in France - can you trust it?

The Nutri-Score system in France! They’ve got it all wrong.

Here’s why.…

(C) Amanda King

As demonstrated by my Fabulous assistant. We have the toxic cereals to the left of the image and again on the second image. Responsible for childhood diabetes, cancer (yes I can back this up with research, it’s not even controversial any more), lowered concentration in school including ADHD symptoms, anger ‘issues’, hormonal problems, gut issues for everyone.. the list goes on.…

These breakfast foods have a nutri score of A.

Due to the vitamins included, plus the fact that cereals/grains are still counted as healthy (!) and no one talks about the sugar or the toxic vegetable oils included. Did you know that the vitamins in these cereals are synthetic, mostly the body cannot use them and some can cause harm to certain people? They also use up the vitamins you do have stored in your body, just to be processed… they are anti-nutrient. It’s a lose-lose for you in the end.

Moving to our next product… I present to you.. cheap, ultra processed white bread. Bleached, full of chemicals and artificial ingredients! It has a nutri score of… drum roll please… you guessed it, A. (Seriously?)

Here is UHT milk in a plastic carton, with the best part taken out (the cream/fat with its fat soluble vitamins and healthy energy source!). I guess the fact that it’s fortified (there is a loaded word) with vitamins means it’s healthy right? Wrong! The vitamins are synthetic and mostly not bioavailable…. If this represents the healthiest part of your diet and the best source of vitamins then we need to sit down and have a talk.

and then to the butter… with a nutri score of D.

I guess that’s because Fat is unhealthy and ‘clogs’ your arteries up, right? Nope! Butter is full of healthy saturated fats which help your brain, your nervous system, your immune system and your bones get stronger!

The salad is an interesting one. With a nutri score of B. But it’s full of pasta and is covered in toxic vegetable oil. This is a case of giving with one hand and taking away with the other. The vitamins in here are delivered to your body in the forms that nature intended, with the co-factors present (we are designed to eat the foods that grow from this earth, they are perfectly designed to feed us and contain everything needed to process and convert vitamins into their usable forms). So that’s great, more veggies and healthy proteins from chicken and egg are good.

Having cheap white pasta with that means that some of those vitamins will be used to process the pasta which is an anti nutrient. The toxic oils will cause cellular damage in the body that will need to be cleaned up, more vitamins used. The net effect, hard to pin down but it’s a mixed bag. I wouldn’t put that down as a B and I wouldn’t eat this, it’s not healthy.

I want to write about this subject because as consumers we are led to believe that junk food is healthy and healthy food is junk due to the inaccuracies of the grading system.

Part of my work with my patients is to educate them about situations like this and many others. By spending a lot of time finding out about their diet and lifestyle I am able to pinpoint exactly where these mis-truths have invaded their understanding and steer them towards their best path with education and information. That means they are empowered to make truly INFORMED choices. That’s what it’s all about. Then they go tell their friends and their family, feed their children better food and we all start a little revolution towards good health and happiness right where we are.

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples

Mother Teresa

Amanda King ND

Hi, I am Amanda, a Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist with a specialism in Genetics/DNA/Nutrigenomics and coming soon in Cancer. I am passionate about combining the science of nutrigenomics with the art of naturopathy and creating our perfect scenario for health with our stone age genes, living in our modern world. I also love rib eye steak, eggs, my home grown greens and a good CrossFit session!

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