Most women have this hormonal problem

Oestrogen woman meditation nutrition health peace calm hormones

What is Oestrogen?

Oestrogen is one of the primary hormones associated with the female reproductive system. It regulates the menstrual cycle but it is also necessary for urinary tract, breast, bone, skin and blood vessel health. 

There are three types of oestrogen created by the body. These are: 

  • Oestrone  (E1)  Made in the ovaries and in fat tissue, overproduction is associated with cancer.

  • Oestradiol  (E2)  Made predominantly by women of childbearing age in the ovaries.

  • Oestriol      (E3)  Usually produced in pregnancy and at its highest just prior to birth. 

Normal levels of Oestrogen in the body contribute to a healthy libido, a healthy and regular menstrual cycle, positive and stable mood and good bone density levels. 

Endocrine Disruptors

There are many sources of chemicals around us that disrupt our balance of hormones. Simple changes to lifestyle can help you to avoid some of them. It’s always worth making the small changes that seem to have only a little impact, the total sum of all the small changes can be significant. 

Always drink filtered tap water. A number of different chemicals, fertilisers, agricultural chemicals, medicines and even hormones from excreted birth control medications into the water system have been found in tap water.  The only safe way to drink water is to filter it. A Berkey is a great option but if that’s out of your budget then a Brita Water filter is inexpensive and effective. 

Avoid using chemicals on your skin. Standard shampoos, conditioners, body washes, sprays, roll ons and other ‘health and beauty’ products contain all kinds of products that affect hormonal balance. They are absorbed in through the skin and research has shown that they are present in urine as the body tries to detoxify. A better way is to buy all natural products. If your budget allows, Living Libations have a great range. Alternatively, choose organic, close to nature products and use less of them. It’s better for the environment too.  Coconut oil is antibacterial, anti fungal, moisturising and antiviral. Using products on your skin that you would eat is a great rule of thumb for how to choose your health and hygiene products. 

Choose food packaged in paper, cardboard and loose (VRAC). Not in plastic and of course, not processed. If you have to buy food in plastic wrapping, unwrap it immediately when you get home and wash it before you put it into the fridge. Laying paper towels on the bottom of the fridge trays can help to keep the products fresh and moisture out. 

Cleaning products are a huge problem. Those air fresheners that you spray, plug in or leave hanging in the car? They all contain chemicals that when you inhale them, disrupt the balance of hormones in your body. Get all chemicals out of the home. Using an essential oil diffuser with proper organic essential oils like Tisserand, DoTerra or Living Libations. Don’t use cheap synthetic essential oils from Amazon or budget shops which contain chemicals and are not made from the actual plants themselves. 

Oestrogen Dominance - Signs and Symptoms 

You may have high circulating Oestrogen if you suffer from any or all of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Hair Loss

  • Low sex drive

  • Poor sleep quality

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Digestive issues

  • Tender or swollen breasts

  • Fatigue

  • Depression

  • Non-cancerous breast lumps

This list is not exhaustive but when Oestrogen levels are high, especially compared to other female hormones, then a diagnosis of Oestrogen dominance can be made. 

High levels of Oestrogen can cause PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), irregular or painful periods, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis and can be associated with Thyroid dysfunction too. 

In women there is a relationship between high oestrogen, endometrial, breast and ovarian cancers and in men, with prostate and breast cancers. 

Which dietary choices increase oestrogen levels?

Happily there is a lot we can do with our diet and lifestyle to mitigate the effects of high oestrogen. 

Foods associated with high oestrogen levels are : 

  • Processed food - anything made in a factory and not by you in your kitchen can be called a processed food. 

  • Eating sweets and sugary foods

  • Cooked/Pasteurised and non-organic dairy - especially sweetened and UHT treated

  • Refined grains - processed flour/wheat based foods, biscuits, cakes, pasties, breakfast cereal and bread. 

For example a study showed that a diet high in refined and processed foods conveyed a 14% increase in the risk of breast cancer. Whereas eating a diet high in fruit and vegetables was associated with an 18% reduction. 

After menopause, the ovaries stop producing as much oestrogen and fat cells become the main source of oestrogen. That is why obese women have a much higher risk of developing oestrogen based cancers. 

Credit: Unsplash. Zeynep Açıktepe

Which dietary choices reduce oestrogen levels? 

  • Mediterranean Diet - packed with delicious fish, fruit, fresh vegetables and olive oil. This lifestyle tops out all others over and over with longevity and quality of life. 

  • Fibre rich diets - Fibre is present in vegetables and fruit and whole grains. Eating a diet high in plants, nuts and seeds will help you to slow down the absorption of oestrogen in the gut and excrete oestrogen effectively. 

  • High levels of fruit and vegetables in the diet. For the micronutrients, fibre and high water content, including a large variety of plants in your healthy omnivorous diet is associated with lower oestrogen and better health. 

  • Lower your body fat to a health level. Healthy looks different on each of us, we are all different shapes and sizes. Don’t get hung up on the scales, or obsess over calories. Instead base this on your clothes and how you feel, you can trust yourself to know if you are a healthy weight or not.  Excess body fat will mean increased oestrogen, especially as you age so remember to keep portion sizes to a handful of each different food. Keep around 8-10 portions of fruit and veg every day and ditch the processed junk - there is no room for any of it in a healthy diet. 

  • Limit alcohol. This is a biggie. In France it’s so easy to fall foul of the drinking dependency trap. Alcohol may increase oestrogen and definitely affects sleep and all of the body systems negatively. If you cannot control your drinking then reach out for support, your chances of success are higher when you are a part of a group and have support. 

  • Exercising helps to reduce oestrogen levels in the body, just 30 minutes 3x a week has been shown to have positive effects. 

10 Foods that lower Oestrogen 

  • Avocado 

  • Broccoli 

  • Carrots 

  • Coconut Oil 

  • Eggs

  • Grass Fed Organic Meat

  • Mushrooms 

  • Pomegranates 

  • Red Grapes 

  • Whole Grains 

In short eating a balanced, omnivorous diet with a high focus on plants and healthy fats will help not just your Oestrogen detoxification and balance all of your hormones naturally but it will lead your body into a state of health that allows you to feel energetic, sleep well and maintain a sense of peace and calm in your day to day life.

Amanda King ND

Hi, I am Amanda, a Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist with a specialism in Genetics/DNA/Nutrigenomics and coming soon in Cancer. I am passionate about combining the science of nutrigenomics with the art of naturopathy and creating our perfect scenario for health with our stone age genes, living in our modern world. I also love rib eye steak, eggs, my home grown greens and a good CrossFit session!

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