How to have a guilt free snack

Snacking - Get the Scoop…. !! 

Fridge pickers wear bigger knickers…! 

Despite knowing this, the reality is that we snack! Boy, do we snack! Whole isles of the supermarket are dedicated to brightly packaged, salty, sweet, umami bites… they don’t look like much, cute little mini pizzas, cheese flutes… ,we chuck a few of them in the trolley. You know… just in case… 

The moment of weakness comes, it’s the evening/weekend, we feel peckish and that little salty, crunchy snack is ready to go.. right there when we want it! 

The scales don’t shift. We feel tired. We wonder why we cant shift that brain fog, why our otherwise healthy diet isn’t having the effect we think it should… 

Let me share with you some easy tips that will help you snack in a healthy way… and No it doesn’t mean eating your own body weight in watermelon just to feel satisfied… 

The explanations of each rule are at the end of this post! 

Snack Rules - WATER 

Snack Rules - NUTRITION 

Snack Rules - PORTIONS 

Snack Rules - FAT

Snack Rules - PROTEIN 

Snack Rules - TOXINS 

Many snack cravings come from dehydration, have a decent glass of filtered water before anything else. 

Make sure that your food FEEDS YOU. Mini pizzas do not feed you, carrot sticks and raw cheese do feed you! Baked bread and crisps are toxic to your body, pork crackling and slices of cold meat with pickles are protein and fat rich. Lose the toxic carbs and veg oils and replace them with proper food! 

We enjoy a snack so much we eat the whole damn bag! Bad idea… if you are going to do a snack-a-thon… get some variety in there… a portion is a handful. A handful of nuts, carrots, grapes, cold meats, sardines even, smoked, salmon, egg, sunflower seeds to crunch on.. variety = more nutrients… 

 Fat - good fats are essential… don’t be afraid to them. Have butter on your brocoli, have cheese on your cauli… Have full fat yoghurts (fat free = micro nutrient free).. enjoy your food and feel fuller for longer 

Protein - eggs, meats, pate… get protein into your snacks and you are fuelling your body and giving yourself the raw materials necessary for great functioning. 

There is no point in working at good nutrition if you are poisoning your progress… keep the processed junk right out. Don’t put it in the trolley. If it’s made my a factory.. it’s processed, if you have zero clue what that label even says… it’s processed and you don’t want to be made of that crap! Don’t bring it into your home! Buy the blueberries and cashew nut butter instead.. ;) 

Have a great day to all you lovely people and enjoy your nutrition xx

Amanda King ND

Hi, I am Amanda, a Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist with a specialism in Genetics/DNA/Nutrigenomics and coming soon in Cancer. I am passionate about combining the science of nutrigenomics with the art of naturopathy and creating our perfect scenario for health with our stone age genes, living in our modern world. I also love rib eye steak, eggs, my home grown greens and a good CrossFit session!

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