Health, Mental Health, New Year, Habits Amanda King ND Health, Mental Health, New Year, Habits Amanda King ND

Can’t keep promises to yourself? (try this)

Remember that the habit first and foremost is import. Always show up and consider that a non-negotiable aspect of your lifestyle. Once it feels like a part of your regular lifestyle then increase your walking time to 15 minutes or increase your speed a little to walk further in the same time. Make those very small changes every couple of weeks and you will barely notice the individual changes but will make huge progress over the long term… you could easily be doing all the things you dream of with consistent effort… but you need to go slow.

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Nutrition, Cancer Amanda King ND Nutrition, Cancer Amanda King ND

80% of men will get this issue (how to manage prostate health)

September is Prostate Cancer awareness month!

I have written this blog to raise awareness of some dysfunctions that occur with the prostate and some things you can do naturally to improve symptoms. (Link in comments)

Prostate cancer is the number one diagnosed male malignancy and the 5th most common cancer in men.

There are excellent recovery rates with early diagnosis and natural medicine shows excellent results in recovery.

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Amanda King ND Amanda King ND

IBS can be cured, here’s how..

I was told yesterday that IBS can't be 'cured', it can only go into remission. I disagree…

So let's break that down. If you eat a diet that is laden with flour, sugar and general junk, that spikes your blood sugar so much and over so long, that your pancreas becomes desensitised to insulin and you develop diabetes. Then we know two things.

1. That your body type develops diabetes when it eats that diet.

2. You cannot eat a diet like that and expect to remain diabetes free.

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